July 20, 2015

English course started up this week. We handed out a ton of fliers, and we had an OK showing, about 20ish people. We teach the advanced course, which is best one because we just talk about random stuff the whole time, giving them time to talk to native speakers. The Zone Leaders had the beginner class, and the first lesson, they were joking around about committing their class to baptism...and then they actually did it, which was really funny.

The Spirit is Awesome! I had another exchange this week, with Elder Anderson. He's good at contacting, it seemed like everyone was stopping for us! We got a lot of phone numbers, which was great. Then Elder Simons and I got back together. We've been focusing more on following the spirit in finding, so we've been praying all the time contacting and tracking now. It's been awesome, because we know we're where the Lord wants us to be, or we know to keep looking somewhere else. We got to one building that felt really good, and started knocking away. We were almost through it when a lady invited us in. We sat down and taught her and her husband about the Restoration, and they received it super well! Easily one of the best lessons of my mission. They're only here for a few weeks, and then they'll return from they're vacation and go back to the UK. We didn't find out until the end that they spoke English, so next time I'll actually be able to participate :)

This will be my last week in Albania, and then I'm back in Skopje! It's flown by, but it'll be good to be back where I can understand people.

The new Macedonia missionaries should be in the MTC now! They're supposed to come mid September, and I'll probably be training one for sure. Elder Gierisch and Prince go home on Sept 2nd, and after that, It will just be a few of us for a bit.   Elder Rigby
Albania was part of Roman Macedonia around 300 B.C. The ancient Byzantine marketplace, above dates to about 500 A.D. The ruins extend under modern buildings, so have not been fully excavated.