June 8, 2015

Macedonia: The Focal Point of Christian missionaries. This week we were grabbing some lunch in Skopje City Mall. We were going up in the elevator, and the door was about to shut, when we saw a woman start rushing to try to make it in. We opened the door for her, she got in, and door closed, and we started going up. The situation felt awkward, so we started talking to her since it couldn't get any less. She started speaking English pretty quick, and she said that she was a Jehovah Witness from Germany, fulfilling her mission here! She asked us how it was going for us, and then she told us how it was for her. It turns out she is serving for her whole life with her husband, going from place to place. It kinda made me realize how little I'm really giving up, with it only being the short span of 2 years. 

We had our zone training this week, and one of the topics was the divine potential of people. We are all children of God, so we should be treated and treat others as such. One of my greatest regrets is not doing more to uplift people before my mission. Often times, there's somebody close to us struggling with something, and almost just as often, there's something we can do about it. So think about what kind of effect you are having on other people, and if there is the one person right now who needs your help.

Time has definitely been picking up the last few months. The transfer is over in a few weeks, and it feels like it has only begun.

Ве сакам. Продолжете да бидете одлични. Знам дека оваа работа е Божја работа, и дека преку Исус Христос, сите нас можеме да бидеме совршени. Не знам што друго да напишам. Живот е добро. Бидете примери за светот. Со најмногу на мојата љубов, 
Старешина Ригби

I love you. Continue to be excellent. I know this work is God's work, and that through Jesus Christ, all of us can be perfect. I do not know what else to write. Life is good. Be examples to the world. With most of my love, [by Google Translate]
Elder Rigby
Here are some recent "at home" celebrations we have had: