November 3, 2014

I'm loving Payson!! So I just had my first full week in the field! I've gotta say, it's a lot more busy out here than it was in the MTC.

Monday was my first P Day here, so I finally got to buy groceries after 6 days of living off of my companions' food. I'd like to think by now I'm a professional Quaker oatmeal, eggs, and toast cooker. We hardly have to cook anything at all for ourselves, since we get dinners every night and lunches most days. It's awesome.
For our district activity, we got and carved some pumpkins from Sister Dumas, a less active member we've been doing service for. I tried to carve Elder Herrington because he was wearing a ridiculous costume, but it didn't turn out too well.
The help of the members is seriously the best. We just get phone calls from people saying that they have a friend that's ready to have the missionaries come over. We haven't had too much trouble finding people, our main concern is getting members in the lessons. They emphasize true fellowshipping in the Provo mission, where the member that's in the lesson will be an actual friend to the investigator. We only had about 4 lessons of these lessons last week, which was abysmal. We're working on coordinating better with our members, because a lot of the time they just forget. We need to improve, but all in all, it's a good problem to have.
I didn't talk too much about the people we teach, so I'm going to try to do that more this time! Two of our investigators, Andrew and David, have got pretty similar situations. They both want to be baptized. They both have less active wives that we're also working with. But things keep happening in their lives that's keeping them from going to church. We've had to keep pushing most of our investigator's baptismal dates back, which is getting pretty frustrating.
We cover a branch in one of our stakes that's a community for people with psychiatric problems. It's always interesting whenever we head over there. A less active man we've been teaching legitimately thinks he's a werewolf. They all have interesting histories, and really enjoy it when we come over. A lot of the lessons we teach over there are the Word of Wisdom because a good amount of them struggle with smoking.
Halloween was awesome!! Apparently people dress up as missionaries here for the holiday, so our mission president has us all go in chapels as districts the whole night and watch a movie so we don't get blamed for anything. I never thought I would have to watch The Chronicles of Narnia so soon! We all enjoyed it a lot, but probably because it's been so long we've seen anything like it. Then we played a game of Apples to Apples, and before we knew it, 4 hours went by. Apparently, it was a costume party, so I just threw on Elder Tucker's Hawaiian skirt.
Payson has been great!! I found out I go to Macedonia Dec 1st, I'll get to stay another night in the MTC, and then I head out with Elder Chingas and Sister Hassell. So I've got another month to enjoy in Merica! I'm looking forward to being in Macedonia, but I know that there's work for me to do here for the time being.
Have a great week!  Elder Rigby

Brigham Youngblood, John Taylormade, Asian Import, Wilford Rodriquez Woodruff, Parley Pookie Pratt, and the Lamanite Peacenik twins.